
Monday, November 21, 2011

It really is the little things in life

Busy seems to be an understatement of my life recently. I never seem to have enough time to get everything done that I need to. After a few days this gets frustrating and I find myself rebelling by watching episodes of That 70's Show. While I feel better in the moment of rebellion; I ultimately just get myself further behind. But the Lord in His infinite wisdom seems to send the very thing I need at the exact moment I need it without me ever knowing I needed it. Just a little reminder that several someones are thinking about you on the other side of the country would make any one's day.

Hahaha! I love that I got an envelope box for a package.
Oh, jerky! How I love you!!!

My parents love me!
Everybody needs a little reminder every once in a while that someone loves you and knows you. Nothing says I Love You better in my mind than a box full of jerky and a new pair of ipod ear buds!

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