
Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Big Apple

The first weekend of November I got to go to New York City for the first time EVER!!! It was so exciting! I went with my friends Kate and Meredith from my ward. We took the Bolt bus to NYC from Baltimore and met up with Kate's friend Larissa who lives in Brooklyn. Larissa was nice enough to let us stay with her in her apartment. We also met up with Meredith's friend Nikki. We didn't get into late Friday night so we hit the closest McDonald's for dinner and took the subway to Larissa's house. I like the NY subway but after using DC's metro it's a little ghetto. Though I really like that it's a flat rate anywhere you go in NY.
To show how awesome our trip was and how much we thought alike while packing. We all wore red outerwear. We're pretty awesome! It looks like we planned it. But we didn't.
We were even in step with each other.
Saturday was a busy day that started with an awesome breakfast in a local diner. It was way good! Then we hit the subway again and headed to the Empire State building.
The NY subway. I'm in Brooklyn!

Meredith and Kate in the subway.
I've wanted to go to the Empire State building since I was little and saw a picture of King Kong batting down planes from the top. Going to New York City was bucket list item number 3 and going to the Empire State building was number 5.
Remember when I said that I have a slight architecture obsession. The Ted Mosby in me came out and I spouted off random facts about the Empire State building. It was an epic visit! I got my picture taken on each side of the observation deck. All in all, the Empire State building is awesome!!!
Replica of the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building in comparison with other large buildings at the time.

Never trust the lady at the elevator on the 80th floor. It is like 9 flights of stairs to the 86th floor not the 6 she tells you.

Yay!!! At the observatory on the 86th floor!

NYC is SO big!

NYC is kinda pretty from way up.

Here is a picture of all of us.

The Chrysler Building!!!

That big square of trees is Central Park. I'm going to get there next time.

I love the old fashioned viewing devices.

I was a little happy at this moment.

The Statue of Liberty is in the background but it is pretty small.

The King Kongs climbing the Empire Present Building.

An awesome mural in the lobby.

A mural in the Starbucks in the Empire State Building.
We next went to the New York Public Library. I found some random things on the walk there.
The Macy's Store. I see this every Thanksgiving in the background of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

I saw the mini Statue of Liberty.

Tesla is one of my top 5 favorite scientists.

Only in NY would the hot dog stand have a scrolling neon sign.

Welcome to Goodburger. Home of the Goodburger. May I take your order.

My friend, Meredith, is a librarian here in Baltimore so she was really really excited to go. I was excited because the NY library was the setting of a couple of my all-time favorite movies and I feel at home in a library.
The New York Public Library. It is the most ornate library I have ever been in.

The infamous Lions.

I feel so small. That's one big kitty.
This room was used in one of my favorite movies of all time: The Day After Tomorrow.

"It's ok. We have a whole section of tax law over here we can burn."
 While we were at the library, we had the opportunity to attend the First Annual 90 Second Newbery Awards. Kids from around the country (and outside of it) took some of the books that had won the Newbery Award and summarized them in 90 seconds. It was really fun and I laughed really hard at some of the videos that were presented. If you want to learn more you can follow this link.
These were the hosts of the 90 second Newbery Awards.
The next thing we did was go to Times Square to pick up discounted tickets to a Broadway show. There was a lot of cool things on the way we walked.
St. Patrick's Cathedral.


Rockefeller Plaza.

I LOVE The Muppets!!!


I think I have a King Kong Obsession too...

Dan Radcliffe!!!


I have always wanted to see a show on Broadway. I've mainly wanted to see The Phantom of the Opera but we went and saw Billy Elliot. It was really good and not at all what I had expected. Before the show we went to a place in Times Square that is really famous for their cheesecake. The food was good and the cheesecake was good. If you're ever in Times Square, go to Junior's.

Dan Radcliffe!

The theater we saw Billy Elliot in.

After the show we wandered around Time Square at night. I'll warn you, if you're prone to seizures don't go there at night. It was overwhelming and awesome at the same time.

Times Square!!!
 Best thing about Times Square: M&M World!!!

Look at ALL of the M&M's.

Good thing it was Daylight Savings Time so we got an extra hour out and about the city on Saturday. The next day we took it easy and went to church and ate at a little local cafe. The cafe had the best thing ever: Roasted Tomato Vinaigrette.
Overall, I had a blast!!! Now I know what I can skip next time I'm there!

1 comment:

  1. Man, we really did have a good time! Nice recap! Now I want to go back.
