
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Disaster #2 and Labor Day Weekend

I'm playing catch up with my blog again. I survived another natural disaster even if it was kind of a lame one. Baltimore caught a piece of Hurricane Irene. But it was a small piece. We were supposed to be hit harder than we were. Church was cancelled to avoid any problems. But as Irene got to Baltimore it veered out to sea. We got some rain and some wind. Irene hit areas around us pretty hard though. There was some serious flooding in New Jersey, Vermont, and New York and a lot of areas were without power for days. We were very lucky I guess. I won't lie; I was excited for a Hurricane and I was a little disappointed that I didn't lose power at least. But two natural disasters in one week was a bit overwhelming.
This last Friday was awesome! School was cancelled because of the Grand Prix (even though traffic has sucked because of it)! I went to one of the best Thai restaurants I've ever eaten at! It was SO good! Everybody should eat at Thai Arroy! Thanks Emily and Rachel for going with me! While we were walking to the restaurant I got to watch the Grand Prix for a bit. The cars were pretty cool and super loud!
After dinner, we meet up with some of the guys in our ward and went bowling. But bowling here is not the regular bowling we all know and love. It's a game called Duck Pin. Duck Pin is skee ball meets bowling. The pins are shorter and fatter and the ball is the size of a skee ball with no holes. So you basically are just rolling the ball down the lane. Best part: you get three chances to knock the pins down instead of two! It was a true Baltimorean/ Back East experience. It also turned into a lesson in Spanish and a nicknaming session.
Saturday, I helped to clean the church and afterwards we went to get brunch which turned into lunch at Paper Moon Diner. It is a very interesting place. Next time I go I'm going to take my camera and take pictures. The decorating inside and out is something that you need to see to believe. It is awesome and creepy all at the same time.
I also bought another nerd shirt from shirt woot. I seriously LOVE shirt woot! I shouldn't be receiving their emails. Seriously.
It is called Identity Code. Isn't it awesome?
Tomorrow, The Weepies at the 9:30 Club with Emily Clay! It's going to be awesome! Thank you Labor Day and the Grand Prix for the long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I'm ashamed. I don't understand that shirt at all. Bad nerd!
