
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

An earthquake?!? In Baltimore?!? Really?!?

After living on a major fault line all my life, I would be in Baltimore when I experienced my first earthquake. It even made one of the stories on the Yahoo! homepage!

Also who knew that an earthquake would set off the fire alarm? It's a little disconcerting to be on the seventh floor of a building during an earthquake. The whole building felt like it was swaying! And earthquakes make you feel dizzy. Who knew?
Even more disconcerting was the large number of people waiting for the elevator to evacuate the building. When the fire alarm goes off, you take the stairs people! Especially since you just felt the whole building move. The earthquake stopped as quickly as it started; I had only managed to get to the sixth floor. And by the time I was outside, I had a frantic message from my grandmother, who is currently in Idaho, wanting to know if I was okay. I wonder how she found out so quickly?
Once evacuated, we just stood in the street staring at each other and the buildings around us. We had to sit on the sidewalk for over an hour and a half before we were allowed to re-enter the building. Apparently if the fire alarm is still going off, it's university policy that you can't enter a building. I'm learning all sorts of things today. Luckily, it seems that nobody was hurt and as far as I can tell all the buildings are still standing. Best thing about today's adventure: CLASS WAS CANCELED!!!
I highlighted the notice. I thought it was funny.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, and I thought it was creepy on the first floor! I'm glad I wasn't in a tall building!
