
Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Woke Up In A Car...

I never cease to be amazed at the therapeutic benefits of a road trip. I have been so relaxed this whole week. I LOVE ROAD TRIPS!!! There is just something about driving to see new (or old) places. Well I just like driving. And then there is the road trip music. My music library has a couple of songs that have the restriction that they can't be played while I'm in the car and driving or while I'm running outside. Why do you ask? I have a history of ending up at least 50 miles past my destination when these songs are played in the car. This happens to be very detrimental to a poor college student who went to get groceries and ended up at Alaska Basin (Idaho side of the Grand Tetons). Or you end up running an extra 3 miles after running 10. And no, these are not hypothetical situations and they didn't happen only once.
So it's nice when I'm on a road trip and I can actually listen to these songs without being on a treadmill or securely sitting on my couch. Let the songs play on!
The route. 1642 miles in 3.5 days.
So I've decided to do each day as a separate post mainly because it is taking forever to upload all the pictures I want to post. The route for this trip was epic. We drove through eleven states in 3.5 days for a total of 1642 miles. But what is a road trip without friends. Say hello to my road trip buddies!
Faith, Lindsay, Nella, and me at Walden Pond in Massachusetts.
Do you have your exit buddy? Adventure is out there! There is something about road trips that make it awesome to quote Disney movies randomly.
The first leg of our journey was from Baltimore to Rhode Island (~350 miles). There's not much to say about the first leg. We left after we were all done with school on Thursday and it was all interstate driving to get to a jumping off point for what we had planned for the next day. But I did get to see the New York City skyline for the first time ever!
New York City!!!
Driving across the George Washington Bridge in New York.
 I probably should warn you. I have a thing for bridges and architecture. It's the engineer and architect-wanna-be in me.  So I was ridiculously excited to drive over this bridge. I studied it in my drafting and 3-D modeling course for engineers as a freshman. I even generated a 3-D model of it. Yes, I'm a nerd. My roommate often tells me that I remind her of Ted Mosby from the TV show How I Met Your Mother because I can spout off random facts about structures. Interesting fact, the George Washington bridge is the busiest motor vehicle bridge in the world with 106 million cars traveling its span each year. That was just for you, Nella.
This was the closest thing we got to a Welcome to New York sign.
I also learned that Connecticut probably can boast the highest population of McDonald's at rest areas than any other state in the country. Seriously, I stopped counting after six and that's just on I-95. And it should be no surprise that we ate dinner at McDonald's in Connecticut that night. We actually made really good time and made it to our hotel in West Greenwich, RI around 10pm. (We left Baltimore at 4pm and we only stopped for dinner which took 45 minutes. We got to New York in 2.5 hours!)
Our hotel room in Rhode Island. Not too shabby.
Yay!!! For road trips!!! Stay tuned for our subsequent adventures...

1 comment:

  1. New York in 2.5? You made excellent time! I'm impressed! I'm way jealous of this vacation.
