
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back in Baltimore...

Home was amazing! I ate good food, played outside, visited friends, played outside, hung out with the fam, and played outside. In case you haven't noticed a trend here, I MISS OUTSIDE!
One of my favorite pics from The Onion: Scientists Discover Portal to the Outside.
 I miss hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, running in the hills, kayaking, camping, horseback riding, and spelunking! I miss mountains! Don't get me wrong. I miss my family and friends too, but I miss outside. I go running outside here in Baltimore when the opportunity and daylight allows. But it's not like running at home. For one, it doesn't cool down to 45-50 degrees at night so running in the morning is not as enjoyable. And second, I miss the variety of the terrain. Most of Baltimore is flat. No inclines or hills. Which is sad.
Sorry! I'll quit sulking now. I'll just say that home was awesome! It was fabulous to hang out and see my family. I got to eat new potatoes straight from the field! Peas and new potatoes are my favorite! I was also able to visit with my friends that are still at ISU. I miss Ryan, Sam G., Robert, and Sam P.! How can you not miss the short jokes, slurpee/ Farr's runs, taco Tuesdays, sugar runs to Mocha Madness, corny science jokes (You're a Dewar, Sam Plesner!), hiking to the pillars, and talking about everything and nothing at the same time?  I'm a visual person and I like pictures and funnies... So tada, some of the things we talked about in pictures...
Of course when friends get together you talk relationships. Thank you Emily Kimball for giving me a way to pictorially explain dating life in Baltimore!
Science jokes! I get the rules now! Long live The Big Bang Theory!
Ok, we only kinda talked about technology. And by talk, I mean we bashed on the use of smartphones. Yes, I have a smartphone but it's a love/hate relationship. I just think this picture is hilarious!
 But all awesome vacations come to an end and it's time to start school again. Consolation prize: Awesome things on sale for back to school! Shirt woot, I love you! You can't start a new school year without a nerdy shirt or two...
Dr. Adorable Love Potion
The Questionable Table of Elements. Look closely my science/nerd friends. What do you see?
And I always find something somewhat nerdy in the how to decorate your dorm room section of the store...
Superheroes will ALWAYS be awesome!!! Now I just need to find a superhero lunchbox.
Too bad starting school comes with prepping bunnies for labs and making over 3000 agar plates...

1 comment:

  1. I love the questionable table of elements! It makes much more sense to me than the actual periodic table. And even though you're probably not, I'm really glad you're back!
