
Monday, June 18, 2012

Salt Water and Sand Cure Everything

The last day of my spring break mini vacation was spent at the beach like so many college students before me. Though I'm pretty sure Rehoboth is not the top travel destination of most college students. Good thing I am not most college students. :)
And just so it is known, Trap Pond in exceptionally beautiful in the morning!
Unfortunately, the green wood that they sold us was not beautiful in the morning. All the smoke did lend an interesting flavor to our modified mountain man breakfast. And by modified, I mean that we used up the last of the perishables. Mmmmm... nothing like having potatoes, cheese, and hot dogs all mixed together to have an awesome breakfast! It actually tasted awesome! I may have made it a couple of times since then...
Then much to Nella and Lindsey's astonishment, I washed my hair using the spigot in our camp. Pretty much the only thing I hate about camping for long periods of time is how gross my hair gets! The water was a little cold but not too bad seeing as I am a well-practiced ninja at the art of spigot hair washing. Nella tried it and cursed me three ways to Sunday before she was finished.
It only took a few minutes and my hair and psyche felt so much better afterwards.
As I said, I'm a ninja when it comes to spigot hair washing. Or maybe I've had a lot of practice...
Nella was not impressed by how cold the water was.
I'm pretty sure this is about when the expletives got really funny.
Yay! Clean hair!
Lindsey was cold even sitting in the sun on the beach.
I finally got to fly a kite on the beach!
The beach was an amazing end to our vacation! I had actually never been to the actual beach and boardwalk at Rehoboth since we usually go to Cape May while we're there but the actual Rehoboth beach was pretty awesome! The water was a little cold for swimming but the sand was still fun! I had an awesome walk up and down the beach and we flew a kite that has now been dubbed Florence, the very flamboyantly gay kite. Like always, I am the kite master! I had no problems getting Florence into the air. The rest of the day was spent reading, talking, and napping in the sunshine. And like all Rehoboth trips before this, we ended it with full and contented stomachs after a meal at Outback Steakhouse.
Florence was fun to put together.
I am the kite master! This was a pretty awesome shot, Nella!
I'm a leaf on the wind. Name that movie.
As customary, me and Nella had a picture sitting on our blankets/boogie board on the beach.
There was an unfortunate breaking of the sunglasses so I was forced into wearing Nella's. Get a good look, guys. This is the first and last time you'll see me in sunglasses like this.
The sunset on the way home was awfully pretty too!
What wasn't awfully pretty, was the clean up that took place when we got back home
If only the mess after camping would clean itself up! Oh well! Can we go again?!?

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