
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Camping at Trap Pond State Park aka The Time We Lost Lindsey

Day 2 of our spring break trip was spent communing with nature at Trap Pond State Park in Delaware. We got up early since we were all cold and wet from having no rain fly on the tent. Poor Lindsey didn't sleep well at all. Good thing she can sleep in the car!
I'm still not clear on why she didn't use the pillow and blankets stacked right next to her.
Nella likes to take pictures and at this point I was the only other person awake in the car. Nella soon joined Lindsey in sleep mode.
Trap Pond State Park. Unfortunately, their campground is not easy to find.
Trap Pond State Park is a hidden gem in Delaware. It is a huge lake and it has an adjoining cypress swamp! It was so pretty!!! I can't wait to go back and canoe/kayak through the cypress trees. Unfortunately, the boat rentals weren't open while we were there. We set up camp and set all the bedding out to dry. After lunch we decided to go on the five mile hike around the lake. I was a little excited because I got to hike and I was able to try out my new Vibram Five Finger shoes on a hike. They are awesome, by the way! You can stand in a puddle and you feet stay dry but you are also able to feel the mud between your toes! Yes, I tested it out. I'm awesome like that.
The only downside of the day was that we lost Lindsey. Okay, we didn't really lose her. We just didn't know where she was for a short period of time. We had hiked a couple of miles when Lindsey got the urge to run the trail ahead of us. She was supposed to come back but she ran back to camp instead. We were a little concerned considering there were like five trails that cut across each other and they weren't marked very clearly. It turned out all right but I was a little worried for awhile.
Lindsey enjoying the sunshine. Don't worry it soon got warm enough that she took off the blanket.
Everything was soaked! Sleeping bags, blankets, pillow, EVERYTHING! At least I came prepared with a clothes line.
Also, I quick trip to Walmart for a five dollar tarp fixed the rain fly issue.
And this is why I always have someone taller than me come camping with me.
So pretty!
Our camp. We were the only ones in the campground. It was so nice!

Lindsey connected with her inner Karate Kid on this trip.
And Nella had her first piggyback ride ever. No joke.
I'm a little ADD when I'm hiking but it works out because I see most of the wild life. Which was really great for Nella and Lindsey who both didn't see this little guy.
Lots and lots of trees! Although, I will admit all the leaves made me a little nervous. The area is known for a large copperhead snake population and I was a little paranoid that I would step on one covered in leaves.
Let's just say I didn't go off trail because of potential copperheads.
When you vacation with an Asian, get used to having a lot of pictures taken. It gets annoying after a while and I'm pretty sure Lindsey had had enough at this point.
I'm not sure where the urge to skip through the woods came from.
I saw turtles in the swamp! Just in case you're wondering why I'm always staring off the bridges and raised walkways.
I'm not sure what she was doing but I kind of find it funny that she is randomly standing on a bench.
A very confusing trail marker.
Even better part of the trail actually hiking on the road for about a quarter of a mile.
I found a turtle! It's actually a diamondback terapin! Nella though it was a rock until I poked it with a stick.
Sorry for the pokes, little guy! Nella christened him Testudo.
Haha! I finally had cell phone reception so I tried to call Lindsey so we knew she was okay!
It really is a peaceful place!
I could have sat on that bench forever.
Next time, boat launch. Next time.
My foot shoes look a little dirty but they were awesome to hike in!
I decided to use the log cabin approach instead of the teepee to build the fire. I'm going to admit that the log cabin is my go to fire making move.
Works every time even with green wood like we had.
The sunset was absolutely gorgeous on the lake!
I'm not sure what Lindsey is doing but she looks funny.
The sunrise was pretty too!
Trap Pond was awesome! I can't wait to go back!

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