
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Countdown is On!!!

I have recently been informed that I have been neglecting my blog. *Cough* Sterling *Cough*
Sorry about that! Between finishing school, trying to find a new apartment, and my laptop's hard drive committing hari kari, I just haven't had the time. I promise that I will catch the blog up when I'm done with school. But until then, want to see an awesome countdown? Okay, it may not be awesome but slightly depressing.

Seeing the Avengers for a second time: <1 day
Some Sterling Awesomeness: 4 days
Finish school and the seemingly endless exiting exams and finals: 10 days
Graduation: 10 days
Much needed trip to the temple: 10 days or sooner
Realize I have accumulated a lot of stuff in 2 years: 11 days
Be moved out of my apartment: 14 days
My arrival in Houston, TX followed by some awesome Texas BBQ: 18 days
Cruise with the Parents and Grandma: 19 days
Being finished with the month of May and having my Master's degree: Priceless

So close yet so far. I'll be back in approximately 2 weeks. Good luck all!

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