
Saturday, April 7, 2012

2 Years Later

It was on a Tuesday that a very significant and special event occurred in my life. April 6, 2010 was the day I received my endowment. I can't believe it has been two years already! I've been able to go at least once a month since that day including each yearly anniversary.
I love the DC temple! It is the second most beautiful temple in my book! First being Idaho Falls, of course. But how could you not fall in love with this temple? Seriously, look at it! It is so beautiful with all the green trees and the tulips!
Yesterday, I found myself in the temple for a ward initiatory assignment and I couldn't help reflecting upon all the blessings I have received from attending the temple in the last couple of years. The temple always provides a refuge from the world for me. It is truly a place of peace. No matter what is going on in my life, I can enter the temple and leave my worries/stresses at the door. And as a grad student, a few hours of peace, comfort, and freedom from worry are blessings I can not even begin to express my gratitude for. It has also granted me the perspective I've needed when it's time to make decisions or if I'm struggling to understand a gospel principle. Sometimes I go just to get the feeling of being close to Heavenly Father and Christ. I have even made friends by going to the temple. Sam, you will always be my 'temple buddy' even though you now have your eternal temple buddy. Thanks for always being willing to go with me when we were first endowed, Sam!
I love the temple and the blessings that come from it. Perhaps the biggest blessing has been the ability to go with my family. I even got to be one of the escorts when my sister, Brittany went through. Every time I go to the temple I feel like I'm home, which is a wonderful blessing being so far away from family.
The temple is amazing! They are truly beacons to the world. One of my favorite quotes is by President Monson:
"In its gleaming glory, the temple seems to beckon to each who views its splendor, 'Come! Come to the house of the Lord. Here is found rest for the weary and peace for the soul'... The [temple] prepares all who enter to return homeward- homeward to heaven, homeward to family, homeward to God."
The temple is definitely a beacon especially the DC temple. One of my favorite things is that you can see it as you're driving up the 495 from Baltimore to get there. You're surrounded by trees and then, Bam! There's the temple. It's a glorious thing!

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