
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jack's Mannequin vs SoCo

Well, hello Mr. McMahon...
Last Saturday I was able to go see one of my most favorite bands EVER! The 9:30 club was an intimate venue that was not unlike the first venue when I first saw Andrew McMahon.
So a little history... In 2002, I fell in love with the band Something Corporate (SoCo). Their songs weren't your normal punk rock songs. They were laced with moving lyrics and beautiful piano harmonies. Seriously, who doesn't love the main instrument being a piano? SoCo sang their way into my life and I became a devoted follower. The first CDs I owned of theirs was a burned copy of their independently released album Ready...Break and their Audioboxer EP. Thank you Sterling for getting me hooked and for burning me those CDs. I still have them too! In May later that year, I stood in line for two hours to buy their first big label album, Leaving Through The Window, which to this day is still one of my top 5 favorite albums of all time. They stole my heart with songs like "I Want To Save You", "Punk Rock Princess", "I Woke Up In A Car", "The Astronaut", "Hurricane" and "Cavanaugh Park".

I Woke Up In A Car- Something Corporate

Side note: This last fall my ward went on a ghost tour of Fells Point and we heard a story about this ghost who came back to his favorite bar to hear his favorite polka one last time even though the proprietor had already removed that CD from the jukebox. The guide asked us the soul searching question: If you could choose the last song you ever heard in this life, what would it be? Mine, hands down, at this point of my life would be "I Woke Up In A Car" by Something Corporate.
Ok, back to the story. Overall, I saw SoCo in concert 5 times. I also bought their second album North which took my breath away again. It was easy with songs like "Watch The Sky", "Space", "Down", "Me and the Moon" and "21 and Invincible". 

Space- Something Corporate
Unfortunately, the band went on hiatus in 2004 and have only played a few shows since. But all hope is not lost! The band has not officially disbanded and in the September 2010 issue of Alternative Press they said that another SoCo album was being considered. I live in eternal hope for that one!
Shortly after they went on hiatus, news of a side project by SoCo's lead singer/piano player reached my ears. I found myself falling head over heels for this band like I had done with SoCo. The same week I started my first week of college at Idaho State University Jack's Mannequin's first album, Everything In Transit, was released. It soon become a favorite to study to and I started scouring the internet to find when and where their first concert nearest me was going to be. This is when I discovered that the main singer had been diagnosed with leukemia (ironically the last day they finished recording the album) and their tour was on hold while he went through chemo and a bone marrow transplant. I was devastated! What if he died? What if there was no more amazing music like "The Mixed Tape", "Bruised", "I'm Ready", and "Dark Blue"? And most importantly, what if I never got to see the band live!?! (I may have been a little shallow as a freshman..)

 The Mixed Tape- Jack's Mannequin

Thank heavens Andrew made a full recovery! Their second album The Glass Passenger was released in the fall of 2009 and it was an album full of hope and a love for life. If you feel like watching something that will make you cry, Andrew filmed a documentary about his battle with cancer. It's called Dear Jack and you can watch it for free on Hulu. He is a truly inspiring guy! So a few weeks after the release of The Glass Passenger, Jack's Mannequin was scheduled to appear at the Big A** Show in Salt Lake City. I had tickets!!! I was finally going to see them live after almost 4 years of waiting! I couldn't wait to hear them perform "Swim", "Spinning", "The Resolution", and "Hammers and Strings (A Lullaby)"!

 Swim- Jack's Mannequin

My first Jack's Mannequin concert was epic, to say the least! Thank you Ryan Marcum for being willing to go with me! And for driving since I didn't have a reliable car at the time. I have subsequently seen them a couple times since then but this last concert was amazing! Their new album People And Things is awesome! I love their songs "My Racing Thoughts", "Release Me", "Amelia Jean", "Hey Hey Hey (We're All Going To Die)", "Platform Fire", "Restless Dream", and "Casting Lines"!

Jack's Mannequin and Something Corporate are part of a small list of bands where I love 98% of the music they have released. Who's better? I couldn't tell you. I can't choose. It would be like trying to decide which of my hands I didn't need. So here's to more awesome albums from both bands (Please SoCo! Please!), several more concerts, and many years of listening enjoyment to come!
I LOVE YOU SOMETHING CORPORATE AND JACK'S MANNEQUIN!!! Thank you for contributing to the soundtrack of my life.

1 comment:

  1. I want to say something super cool about music, but I've never been this devoted to a band in my life. I admire your dedication! And I'm glad that it was fun/good.
