
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Another Year Gone

Time sure flies when you're busy! It's weird to think that it is already 2012. Wasn't I just barely making my New Year's Resolutions for 2011?
Oh well! 2012 is here and I have spent the last few days thinking of my goals for this next year. I am posting them to my blog because in the ever so wise words of my friend Dusty: "If you don't write your goals down and share them with someone, they're not really goals."
So here are my goals for the next year:

1. I'm going to read 50 books. It's a steep goal considering I am in grad school and writing my thesis and my defense is in April. Although I am anticipating some intense reading time this summer while switching grad schools. Well, if I get into grad school again... But I will track this goal via the Goodreads widget. Well it will be tracked when I figure out how to load the widget onto my blog.

2. I'm going to carry over a goal from last year because I think it is a particularly good one. I'm going to attend the temple at least once a month for the next year. I have attended the temple at least once a month since I received my endowment in 2010 and I'd hate to mess up my perfect record this next year.

3. I am going to try harder to study my scriptures instead of always just reading them. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to do this yet but I do know that it is going to involve regular attendance of institute this next year.

4. I know this goal is going to be a little cliche but since it is medically mandated it can be a goal for this year. So my last goal is the ever elusive weight loss. It is my firm belief that the calorie fairy has a morbid sense of humor. Why do my clothes not fit right? It is my goal to lose at least 20 lbs. this next year.

So those are my goals for 2012. Please wish me luck because I'm going to need it with a couple of these! Also good luck with all of your resolutions for the coming year!

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