
Friday, December 9, 2011

Welcome to the Family!!!

I have several blog posts that are partially written but I have something to blog about that is more important than those at the moment.


At 2:26 AM MST, Conrad Clark Andra came into this world! 

Isn't he so cute? I love the little baby beanie they put on him!
 He weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and measures 20 inches long! And he's a few weeks early! 

Getting up before 6am was well justified to see this little face! Look at those cheeks!
I was awakened by seven texts this morning a little before 6 and the first thing I saw on my iphone was this little cutie! I'm kind of jealous and sad that I can't be at home to welcome him into the family. Today I am very grateful for the wonderful technology that I take for granted most days. Thanks to technology and camera phones and internet, I was able to receive pictures of the little guy throughout the whole day. It's almost like I was there. Almost.

Apparently he likes heat. According to my sister, he gets upset every time they unbundle him or remove him from under the heat lamp.
Conrad and Grandma. My mom is a little excited about her first grandbaby.
Conrad and my sister Courtney who is not the mama. Me and her are now in competition to become the favorite aunt.
Grandma, Conrad, and the Mama in the background. Apparently my sister didn't want any pictures taken of her. We'll forgive her this once because she's all doped up on drugs still.
Conrad and his great-aunt Amber.
Great Grandma Hallie and Conrad. She looks like she's enjoying him!
Great Grandma Nola and Conrad. As tradition on this side of the family dictates, Grams will here by be known as Great Nola. As kids we used to call our great grandma Great Alice, so I'm all for continuing that tradition with this little guy.
The next two weeks need to go by quickly! Don't worry Conrad! Your favorite aunt will be there before you know it! I can't wait to see you and hold you! Considering you're not even 24 hours old yet, I sure love you a lot!  
I think Heavenly Father has a special plan for you, little buddy! There is a reason you've been placed into our family. We may be loud and more than a little crazy, but one thing is for sure, there is a lot of love to go around! Welcome to the family, Conrad!

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