
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adirondack Awesomeness Day 3

So I just realized I've been blogging about this trip for three weeks now... I promise I'm almost done!
So contrary to popular belief, I did not spend all of day 3 at the Ben and Jerry's factory. Though I wouldn't have minded.
Unfortunately, there is not much to say about this portion of day 3. We woke up to a cold and rainy day! And me being the smart person I am, believed the online weather report that said it was going to be 70 degrees and warmer all weekend. Well, I packed no closed-toed shoes. I had flip flops and my Tevas. At least I threw in a sweater at the last minute.
Lindsay was freezing before we even stepped outside. At least the toaster is a multi-purpose tool.

The gang in the car waiting for the ferry.

We kinda thought it was funny that the GPS had us driving through the lake.

This is where you insert the previous posting about Ben and Jerry's. But don't we all look so happy! Ok, I was super happy enough for all of us.
Hahaha!!! We're a stop light! I'm not quite sure why I find this so funny...

Random picture of me and a tree. But I have my umbrella! Nella makes fun of me. Apparently I treat my umbrella more as a toy and not a tool. It's not my fault that I never had to use one for 24 years of my life... I wanted to be Mary Poppins for a while when I was a kid. How cool would it be to use an umbrella to fly! It's a good thing that we didn't own one while I was a child. It would have been the "parachute" incident all over again...
So have you ever wondered how dependent we are on technology. One of the funniest moments of our trip can from an error on the part of the GPS. On our way to the Adirondacks, we had to cross Lake Champlain. We tried to get on several ferries but most of them were shutting down because it was very windy and the lake had some serious white caps on it. So we ended up going to the ferry that we had used the morning before. Well on the way back to the ferry, the GPS had amnesia or something because we ended up on a dirt road that ended in a field by a rundown barn. Best thing is that we got it on video...
Ok, it's not very good quality but I find it hilarious every time I watch it. Moral of this story, you can't always trust your GPS. Thanks Nella for shooting a video when this happened.

The highway to the Adirondacks! It's so pretty!
So after our off-roading experience, we drove through the Adirondacks to Lake Placid. It was so pretty! But it was cold and rainy so we didn't get a lot of pictures but I LOVE the ones we did. If the whole grad school thing doesn't pan out, I'd be content living as a hermit in a shack in these mountains.

A random pond/lake. The trees on the otherside though were awesome! So pretty look! Look at all the colors!

I seriously can't tell you how many times I said pretty on this trip. But I said it a lot...

A close up of the pretty trees!

I had never seen red leaves before I moved back east.

I apparently have a Yertle the Turtle complex so I need to climb everything I can... Notice the sweater and Tevas... I wouldn't recommend it in 38 degree weather.

Faith and the rock. "I am Yao, King of the Rock!"

Lindsay still looks super cold... She had like 3-4 sweaters on.

This says "I want to eat you" but in a happy, nice voice.

Nella looks cold too.

After like 15 takes, we got a jumping picture. On the brightside, we have enough pictures of the process of Nella jumping to make a flip book...

Lindsay wanted a jumping picture too. But she only took like three takes.

Chapel Pond. Look at the steam coming off the lake!

It just looks really windy and cold.

As I said, I have a Yertle the turtle complex...

It was so cold! Look at the little white caps.

So I was talking to a local guy who had stopped to see the pond, and he said that he had never in the 35 years he'd lived in the area seen Chapel Pond so rough. He said that it was hardly ever not peaceful and still.

Nella and Faith looking really cold.

The Adirondacks are SO beautiful! There are random water falls everywhere!

We finally made it to Lake Placid!
So when we got to Lake Placid it was still really cold, but we all wanted a picture with the lake. So we drove around trying to find a place where we could get a good picture of the lake. The only place we found was the marina but it was closed to the public. Well to say the least, we trespassed to get the following pictures.
Lake Placid from the boat dock of the marina.

If I was trespassing, I might as well get a picture.

It was really cold though!

Day three was awesome. I'm so in love with the Adirondacks! Can I go back, please?!?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is really pretty! I think that's probably what I would have been saying the entire trip, too.
