
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time Sure Flies When You're Having Fun

Time really does fly when you're busy! I'm not doing so well at keeping this blog updated. I've been busy and outside of a few awesome events, I live a boringly great life. That being said, I can't believe we're almost two months into 2015 already. It seems like so much has happened in the past several months.

I started dating someone. That's been fun.

Mom came out to visit for Thanksgiving!

I passed candidacy which was one of the most terrible and rewarding thing I've done in my academic career so far. That's including my Master's defense. But Woo! I passed!

Christmas and New Years has come and gone.

I had to have my tonsils removed as a 28 year old. That is probably one of the worst things I've ever had done.

I've been snowed in or wind chilled in several times. Thank you, Chicago winter.

The nephews came to visit for Valentine's Day!

I finally got to meet Brandon Sanderson and he signed all of my books!

I'm sure a lot more has happened, but it seems like I've had a lot of quiet time since Christmas. Some of that is thanks to me being perpetually sick for most of the month of January and having my tonsils removed the first week of February. Let's just say I've had enough quiet time that I've been able to easily keep up on my required reading for school/work as well as read 30 books for pleasure.

Other than the being sick part, it's been nice. Now that I'm done with candidacy, I get to be a normal person when I get off work and I have this wonderful thing known as free time. Hence all of the reading. It helps balance out the science and it keeps me sane. Books complete me in a way that TV and movies will never be able to. Which is good because I've learned that I've gotten terrible at keeping up with tv shows and movies lately. And oddly enough, I'm okay with that. Bring on all the books!

I'm still book blogging and it has been amazing! I've read SO many great books and have met so many awesome people to talk books with. Outside of blogging, I joined a book club that some of the post docs go to. It's been fun and has gotten me to read several books that I probably wouldn't have picked up on my own.

As I said, I live a rather boring life, but I love it! I love the science and the books and just everything about it. I love living in the Chicago area and I need to take more advantage of that outside of taking everyone who comes to visit out for deep dish pizza.

I'm going to try harder to keep this blog updated. My goal is to post at least once a week. Some weeks will be easier than others. There's a lot of stuff going on this year. I'm already lined up to go to several conferences and apparently this year is my ten year high school reunion. I can't believe it's been ten years! Honestly, I don't think I'm going to make it to the actual reunion because I'm pretty sure I have a conference that same weekend, but it's an important milestone nonetheless.

So while I hope that I have fun things to share about life, there will be weeks where the most exciting thing is a new author or band I discovered or how I've finally perfected cooking a certain food. I'm going to write about things that are of interest to me. Blogging is as close to journaling as I'm ever going to get and I'm okay with that. So here's to my goal to keep up with it. This is going to be fun.


  1. It erased my last comment, but I just wanted to say I'm excited that things are going better! No one likes being sick, I was 12 when I had my tonsils removed... So glad that it is something I'll never have to experience again! I saw the pics of you and Sanderson - jealous!! You are living the life my friend! Also, I'm already looking into my next trip to see you! Just know that I'm looking at the warmer months, learned my lesson after last year - Brrrrrr! :)

    1. COME SEE ME, TACI! And please come when it's warmer. I'd hate for you to have to endure 8 inches of snow again or the -30 degree wind chill. It's way more fun when it's warmer!
