
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Look At The Cuteness!!! Look At It!!!

It is always a blessing to be able to go home even if it's only for a week. My last visit home consisted of shopping, playing with the nephew, going to the temple, playing with the nephew, attending one of my best friend's weddings, and playing with the nephew.
See the theme? I played with the nephew a lot. I regret nothing! He has gotten so big! Last time I saw him all he was able to do is cry at me and poop his pants. Don't get me wrong. He still does that but he can play now! It is so fun! I've never seen a happier little guy. His giggle makes you all happy and giggly too! He's happy even when his aunt who is clumsy in all things baby tries to put his diaper on backwards. In my defense, he started rolling and I just grabbed. It's not my fault that the diaper happened to be backwards.
Oh! And the kid can eat! You have to stop feeding him because he won't stop eating. I think he totally fits into the family food dynamic. Except his mother unit gets upset when he has half a can of soda. In me and Corki's defense, he ended up wearing half of it.
Ok, enough of my bragging and excuse making. Here are some pictures of the kid. Seriously, look at all the cuteness! Look at it, I say!
He didn't know what to do with me when I got in the car.
It took me half the car ride home to get the kid to smile. I only got one after I started undoing the car seat straps.
Great Grandpa "teaching" the kid to walk.
It was okay with him because he got to be closer to the puppies.
Not that the puppies stayed away.
The kid has a soda addiction. He fits right in with the family.
Hurry finish! Mom just walked in!
Good thing Grandma had a birthday. We like cake!
Most importantly we like frosting. Must of learned that from Grandpa.
Our favorite toy is Monkey. Aunt Jessie did good choosing that one out. In fact all the favorite toys are the ones Aunt Jessie bought. Favorite aunt? I believe so.
We tend to tackle Monkey most days.
Mmmm... Corn. Or maybe it's the butter left on the corn?
Aunt Corki is the favorite other than Grandma. I'm going to have to learn the Froggy song for when she's on her mission.
I love that he is cuddler.
He also likes some air time,...
...and horsey rides.
Helping Aunt Corki with the laundry.
I think he's just going along for the ride.
Tigger is the new favorite toy. I think the kid doubled his toy count with this trip home.
He LOVES his books! Totally related to his Grandma and Aunts.
Sometimes you can't turn the pages fast enough for the kid. Kind of like you can't feed him fast enough.
We like Grandma a little bit.
The one and only time he decided to like Great Grandma the whole time we were there.
I don't know who was more worn out. Grandma or Conrad?
Our little card shark "helping" Aunt Corki.
Mmmm... Black Cherry.
Almost had it.
In the airport waiting for our flights. Fortunately for his mom, Aunt Jessie flew out last.
Unfortunately, he was upset leaving Aunt Jessie at the gate. Don't worry, Conrad. I'm coming to your house for Thanksgiving.
Good thing Aunt Jessie has some mad pipette skills in the absence of the sippy cup.

Think he likes soda?
 It was awesome being home but it was even more awesome being able to go to my friend Robert's wedding! I'm so happy for him and Maegan! Way to go, buddy!
It was also awesome because I was able to go the temple with Corki when she received her endowment. My whole family was able to go. It was so cool being in the temple with all of my sisters! It would have been even better if Navar could have come.
I love my family and it was so good to spend time with them! Now to leave you with some more cuteness. This proves that me and the kid were friends by the time I left. It's amazing the power of bribery.
Yes, I can get the kid to giggle on demand. Awesome super power, right?

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