
Sunday, July 8, 2012

I Got To See Mayan Ruins!!! Go Me!!!

The last port we stopped at was Cozumel, Mexico. We then took a ferry and a bus to Tulum to see the Mayan ruins located there. Tulum was one of the last Mayan cities to be built and one of the last to be inhabited. It is also the only ruins located so close to the ocean. Tulum is the home of many temples; one of which is called the Templo del Dios Descendente or Temple of the Descending God.
Tulum is about a half a mile from the parking lot. They have a shuttle that you can pay to take you to the site. I opted to walk while Mom, Dad, and Grandma took the shuttle. Even walking I about beat them there.
The Road to Tulum.
Welcome to Tulum!
I was way excited to see Tulum. I have had a fascination with most of the ancient civilizations of the Americas since I've been small. In middle school, I was obsessed with the Mayans, Incas, and the Aztecs. I read everything I could get my hands on. So it should not be any surprise that I knew a lot of what the guide was telling us. It was so cool! Here's some pictures so you can bask in the awesomeness too!
Grams was not liking the heat and humidity so she found a tree to sit under.
The entrance into Tulum. Tulum is also known as the Walled City since it is completely surrounded by a wall.
I can't remember if this is the Great Platform or the palace.
I got Grams to pose like a tourist!
This is the Templo Dios del Viento or the God of Winds Temple. Its function was to guard Tulum's bay since it was an important port of trade in the Mayan empire.
This is the Templo del Dios Descendente or Temple of the Descending God. I wonder who that Descending God could be?
The Pyramid El Castillo or the Castle.
All of us with the Castle in the background!
The guide told me that this should be my new facebook picture. Haha! Also cool tidbit, the temple to the left of the castle is perfectly aligned so the setting sun will shine through the doorway. Cool, huh? We didn't get to see it but our guide showed us a picture.
Grams in front of the Castle.
Mom and Dad in front of the Castle!
An old well.
The Temple of the Frescoes. It was used as an observatory to track the movements of the sun.
Front of the Temple of the Descending God
A Mural in the Temple of the Frescoes. It depicts a Goddess that I can't remember the name of.
The Palace ruins.
My family was completely unaware that I was taking this picture.
This is the biggest Iguana I found at Tulum. He's a beast. There were iguanas everywhere!
Grams and Dad resting. It was really hot and humid outside.
The beach at Tulum. I swam in it! Unfortunately, the picture of me doing so is on my Dad's camera since none of them wanted to go down to the beach with me.
Mom, Dad, and Grams on top of the cliff overlooking the beach.
Me on top of the cliff overlooking the beach.
The beach!
The Caribbean! I swam in it! I'm cool like that!

A view of one of the temples from the beach.
My feet were happy to be on the beach!
The stairs that lead to the beach.
The ruins were so cool with the ocean in the background!
This is the Castle from the back!
A took a picture of a cute little family and the dad wanted to return the favor. Yes, I don't have any shoes on. That's how I roll after swimming.
Another little temple. I didn't ever found out what this one was.
A view of the wall through the vegetation.
The exit to the visitor center. It's different from the one we came in at.
Tulum was awesome! I totally geeked out! I have the weirdest interests when I think about it. I also bought my hammock from the nice people at the rest area on the way to Tulum. One of these days I'm going to learn to say multi-colored/colorful in Spanish. It will be helpful if I buy another hammock in Mexico!  Overall, my cruise to the Caribbean was amazing! I can't wait to go back!!!

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