
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Does anyone have a paper bag?

I found myself having a panic attack this afternoon.
As of Monday, I finished my thesis. No more corrections. It is ready. I also have my oral presentation finished and ready to go. You're probably thinking, why are you panicking? Don't you have like a month and a half until you defend? Not anymore. My advisor and I made the decision to move up my defense... to a week from today. That's right. I'm defending my thesis next Thursday at 12:30pm. I think I'm going to throw up...
What was I thinking?!? Why didn't I wait until April? Can I change my mind? Unfortunately, the only answers to these questions are: No, I don't know, and No.
And being the dumb person that I am, I scheduled my defense right before my first module exam in my drug delivery class. All I can say is that come 5pm next Thursday, I'm going to eat a whole carton of ice cream for dinner.
Best advice I've ever received from my friend, Jeanette. If she can get her PhD with 5 kids under the age of 5, I think I can get mine as a single person.
Hopefully it is in celebratory way and not in a self-medicating sort of way. I'm hoping for celebratory because not passing my thesis would be a terrible way to start my round of interviews/campus visits for my PhD school... And I want to be happy when I visit Boston for the first time!
So everyone, would you kindly remember me in your prayers? I need all the help I can get this next week.