
Monday, January 23, 2012

Is It Really My Last Semester? Someone Pinch Me Quick!

Today a realization hit me like a ton of bricks. This is my last semester at UMB. I'm graduating in May with my Master's.
You would have thought that I would have realized this before today but I didn't. I've been too busy taking finals, writing my thesis, applying to PhD programs, and being home for Christmas. But today I applied for graduation and started the pile of paperwork that goes along with it! (Scary, right?)
It seems just like yesterday that I was trying to adjust to my first semester of grad school and to living in Baltimore. I remember hating everything about it. Now a year and half later, Baltimore has grown on me and I have fallen for the charms of the East Coast. The realization that I'm graduating has made me realize that I will miss a lot of things about Baltimore.
I'm going to miss having awesome classes taught by nobel laureates and I'm going to miss the strawberry sessions with the bunnies. I even miss teaching. For as much as I complain about all the work that teaching piled on me, I loved it! I'm a little sad that I'm not teaching this semester. (Where did all this time come from?) I hope wherever I go next that I will be blessed enough to teach again.
But most of all I'm going to miss the friends I have made and the awesome selection of cheeses at the grocery store. Not to mention the fact that you can buy Inca Kola at the grocery store! I'm going to miss my tiny little ward. I'm also going to miss the diversity of Baltimore and all the delicious world cuisine I've been able to try. Please let there be Peruvian and Thai restaurants at my next location! I'm going to miss Kooper's, Broadway Diner, the cupcake trucks, and the amazing hot dog cart by HSFII.
I'm going to miss the trees actually changing color in the fall and the gigantic Barnes and Noble in the harbor. I'm going to miss the exceedingly large Central Branch of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. I'm going to miss being so close to DC. I'm still in awe every time I'm driving in/past DC and I see the Washington Monument. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. I'm going to miss the DC temple which I have come to love as much as the Idaho Falls temple. I'm going to miss the variety of concerts and the emails I get from Emily every time someone awesome is coming to town.
I hope I come to love wherever I end up in six months as much as I have Baltimore. But here's to the future that is hopefully full of interviews and plane rides and at least one offer for grad school.

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